
IMV Preparatory Chapter 2024

In preparation for the XX General Chapter, each administrative unit within the Society was requested to conduct a preparatory chapter using the reflective and discerning method based on the three-fold action: Discover, Dream, and Propose.


IV – IMV Chapter 2022

The fourth Indian Mission Vicariate Chapter was held in Bangalore from 11-15 March 2022…….


Tripple Celebration

It was a very joyful moment indeed for the Salvatorians in India. The triple celebration was commemorated on July 21, 2021. The community in Shillong began the celebration of the Feast of Bl. Francis Jordan…


Final Vows

Indian Mission Vicariate is indeed blessed to have three more perpetually professed members. In a simple ceremony held in Otto Hopfenmuller Theology Study House…



Eight candidates of the Salvatorians in India entered into a beautiful period of their formation called โ€˜Novitiateโ€™ on Tuesday evening…


III – IMV Chapter

The Indian Mission Vicariate witnessed one more significant moment in the life of the Vicariate through the III IMV Chapter…


House Blessing

On September 9, 2017, by 9 am almost everything was ready and the beautiful newly constructed seminary and its surroundings were ready to welcome…


Blessed Francis Jordan

Father Francis Jordan died in Tafers near Fribourg on September 8, 1918, and was buried in the local parish church. In 1956 his mortal remains were transferred…
