Do you hear the call?

More than 3000 men and women live today as members of Salvatorian Family, founded by Fr. Francis Jordan, with the aim of making Jesus Christ more widely known and loved in the world today. We do this by all ways and means which love of Christ inspires.

Salvatorians include, Priests, Brothers, Sisters, and Lay. We are present in the continents of Africa, Asia, South America, North America, Europe and Oceana. We are engaged in Evangelization, Parish ministry, Health care ministries, Social works, and Education ministries, Care for Elderly, Care for abandoned and orphaned children.

By doing this we are proclaiming aloud like a trumpet to all the earth that every creature may hear the Saviour.

One of the characteristics of the Salvatorians is their openness and friendly attitude towards all people following the example of the goodness and kindness showed by Christ. It is our uncompromising aim to bring as many people as possible to the Saviour and in Him they may find salvation.

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