IMV Chapter
The Indian Mission Vicariate witnessed one more significant moment in the life of the Vicariate through the III IMV Chapter, with the theme, ‘Belong to the Fundamentals, for new Evangelization’ from March 30 –April 02, 2019 at Passionnist Jyothir Bhavan, Bangalore. We discerned together the ways we are asked to respond God’s CALL at this time of our history. The Chapter consisted of seventeen members including two members from the Generalate, namely Fr. Agustin Van Baelen and Fr. Sunil Thomas. It was a special time to recall and celebrate what God has been doing among us, and a time to renew our ways and means for the mission we are entrusted. It was also the implementation chapter of the XIX General Chapter, thus the chapter discussed about the ordinances and recommendations of the XIX General Chapter and how to incorporate them into the lives of the IMV. Indeed, the chapter gives guidelines and takes decisions, which influence the life, structure and future of the IMV. Hence, to have an effective impact of the chapter, let us all continue to evaluate deeply and live as Salvatorians the fundamentals of consecrated life in our local communities and apostolate in the IMV.