Christ Jyoti School - Nagaon

Established in the Year 1983, inaugurated by the former Chief Minister of Assam Mr. Hiteshwar Saikia, with as few as possible 20 students in the entire Institution, Christ Jyothi has now grown into a big institution with over 3000 students in the school with SEBA & CBSE and in the Junior College. Thirty years have gone by since its humble beginning. Glorious were these years and phenomenal indeed was the growth under the Management of the Salvatorian Fathers assisted by Venerini Sisters.


Christ Jyoti School
Dhing Road
Nagaon – 782 002
Assam – India

Tel.: + 91 3672 223 469 (School)
Tel.: + 91 3672 220 734 (College)

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